Take one glass of water in your day today and follow Marina’s guidance on how to drink it.

You may want to read Colin Comp’s article on the ideas behind this simple activity. We like that Colin highlights that ‘it is refreshing to see someone other than the usual Zen Buddhist monks, psychologists, yogis, or healers speak about the importance of mindfulness. She actually doesn’t even mention the term during the exercise, instead opting to describe its qualities: “breathe; feel; rest; one action at a time; think about nothing but that moment.” Those become our student keywords for embodying mindfulness.’

Colin also explains the value of these activities: ‘Abramovic’s lesson is something we can all try, today. In addition to increasing our sense of presence, slowing down our actions can also draw our attention toward the finer things in life that might otherwise pass us by. For example, we might see ourselves become more aware of our pleasure or displeasure with the appearance and feel of our glass, or with the taste of our water.’

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