Beck Tench has created a wonderful and soulful guide for a secular self guided retreat – a day of reflection with wonderful creative activities to connect with our inner world. She created a set of handouts for a day she did with a group face to face and then ‘edited the handouts so that they apply to individuals and also added some instruction around planning for and filling a day of personal reflection.’

My beautiful picture

Chithurst Monastery CCBY @mdvfunes

Beck is interested in the same themes the Still Web was set up to explore. We have seen her work before here in the wonderful Space Deck activities.

Today, take time to look at her guide and book a self guided retreat day in you diary soon, as the year is ending. Or, give yourself a gift and make today a retreat day and work through the guide. If you can only give yourself a short time today, why not pick just one of her activities and do it as a break from any family commitments today?

Tweet your response to @livedtime and be sure to include the hashtag #tds1274

This Daily Stillness has been recycled from previously published ones:

#tds395 A self guided reflection day (Jul 29, 2016)

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