“In this wise, humane inquiry, Csikszentmihalyi  argues that genetically programmed behaviors that once helped humans adapt and multiply now threaten our survival. These traits include obsessions with food and sex, addiction to pleasure, excessive rationality and a tendency to focus on the negative. A University of Chicago psychology professor, the author also believes we must free our minds of cultural illusions such as ethnocentric superiority or identification with one’s possessions. He urges readers to find ways to reduce the oppression, exploitation and inequality that are woven into the fabric of society. Further, he wants us to control the direction of human evolution by pursuing challenging activities that lead to greater complexity while opposing chaos and conformity. Each chapter concludes with self-help questions and mental exercises designed to help readers apply the insights of this literate manifesto to their daily lives.” Good Reads

Infographic by @mdvfunes CCBY made with canva.com

We have selected some of his great questions for today’s activity. Of course, each one could be with us a life time and is a contender for a question that has no right to go away. You may want to diarise some quiet time to explore each question over this month to help you set up your development for the year. We suggest that you use automatic writing methods to tackle these and remember that the one you resist the most may be the one that needs you to spend the most time with it…or not. You may also want to take time with the book: Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Evolving self. Perennial, 1994.

[We thought this one was so good we posted it twice! but here is a bonus interview with the author for today]

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This Daily Stillness has been recycled from previously published ones:

#tds918 The evolving self…again (Jan 3, 2018)

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