“These findings are surprising. It’s hard to believe that ordinary people chose to distract themselves with electric shocks that they had just claimed they would pay to avoid. Yet there are understandable reasons for not wanting to be alone with one’s thoughts.” Ruth Baer

Image CC0 edited by @mdvfunes

Image CC0 edited by @mdvfunes

Read the article twice, away from all notifications. Take time to absorb the findings: people prefer to shock themselves than be alone with their thoughts. Time we train our mind to be at ease with the silent self as well as the social self?

TL;DR “So when you find yourself alone with your thoughts, experiment with observing them mindfully and allowing them to come and go. Be kind to yourself about your unpleasant thoughts – everyone has them. As you practice this, your psychological well-being is likely to improve. It’s much healthier than shocking yourself.”

If this seems to vague, look out for our daily tomorrow which will update this article and offer specific ways to develop skills to be alone with your thoughts.

Tweet your response to @livedtime and be sure to include the hashtag #tds2294

This Daily Stillness has been recycled from previously published ones:

#tds73 Alone with your thoughts or an electric shock? (Sep 11, 2015)
#tds915 Alone with your thoughts or an electric shock? (Dec 31, 2017)
#tds2087 Alone with your thoughts or an electric shock? (Mar 17, 2021)

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