“Wu-wei literally translates as “no trying” or “no doing,” but it’s not at all about dull inaction. In fact, it refers to the dynamic, spontaneous, and unselfconscious state of mind of a person who is optimally active and effective. For a person in wu-wei, proper and effective conduct follows as automatically as the body gives in to the seductive rhythm of a song.” EDWARD SLINGERLAND

Read the full Nautilus article if theory appeals today, and/or meander with Brainpickings’s explorations of the book. Who knows you might even want to effortlessly order the book .

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This Daily Stillness has been recycled from previously published ones:

#tds286 Try not to try (Apr 11, 2016)
#tds795 Try not to try (Sep 2, 2017)
#tds1186 Try not to try (Sep 28, 2018)

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