The imagination works through suggestion, not description. Description is always direct and frequently closes off what it names. Suggestion respects the mystery and richness of a thing. All it offers are clues to its nature. Suggestion keeps the mystery open and extends us the courtesy of inviting us to see the thing for ourselves. It offers us the hospitality and freedom to trust the integrity of our own encounter with a thing. This is how a work of art can allow itself to be seen in so many different and often conflicting ways. It does not foreclose on the adventure of revelation. —John O’Donohue

From the Centre for Action and Contemplation: Take the time to gaze at an image and allow it to speak to you, first on the level of what is seen with the eyes of your rational mind, the literal details of the image. When you are ready, allow those sights and thoughts to pass by, making space for the inner eye of the heart to open and interact with the image. You may wish to sketch the image and experience your own non-verbal response. You do not have to be an artist to do this—you simply follow the lines as you see them, tracing them on paper. Or, you may trace the image with your finger, or both. Be patient. Stay with your experience. Would you like an image to practice visio divina (sacred seeing) with? The article suggests that abstract art, is more suitable for this activity but we think you could pick any favourite piece of art to take time with and listen to. Okay. Here is one if you just want to get the daily stillness done for the day… [wink emoji]. We like @pdcutup for blending art and confusing the discursive mind.

Tweet your response to @livedtime and be sure to include the hashtag #tds2837

This Daily Stillness has been recycled from previously published ones:

#tds1139 Visio Divina (Aug 12, 2018)
#tds2669 Visio Divina (Oct 18, 2022)

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