On Being is a treasure trove of still moments and insight. Let’s listen to another podcast today?

“Kate Braestrup is a chaplain to game wardens, often on search and rescue missions, in the wilds of Maine. She works, as she puts it, at hinges of human experience when lives alter unexpectedly — where loss, disaster, decency and beauty intertwine. Hear her wise and unusual take on life and death, lost and found”

This one is about learning to live with impermanence in life. Take time and be prepared for tears as well as insight as you listen. How do we find stillness in those moments when we are ‘right up against it’? Poignant stories about life and loss. Remember to attend to the quality of her voice as she explores the painful edges of life; such wisdom beyond in the pause.

Tweet your response to @livedtime and be sure to include the hashtag #tds3027

This Daily Stillness has been recycled from previously published ones:

#tds569 Learning to intertwine loss, decency and beauty (Jan 19, 2017)
#tds1932 Learning to intertwine loss, decency and beauty (Oct 13, 2020)
#tds2300 Learning to intertwine loss, decency and beauty (Oct 15, 2021)

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