“Don’t let the looking and the walking pull you away from your center. This requires practice, maintaining a center in the midst of movement.This is important for two main reasons. One, as I said just now, is that it gets you used to maintaining your center in other activities as well, so that even when you’re engaged in complex activities, even when you’re thinking about things, you can still have a sense of inhabiting the body, being centered within the breath. The other reason why it’s important to develop this ability to stay centered in the midst of activity, is that while you’re doing walking meditation, you begin to observe how the mind slips out. It’s often the case that you gain insight into the movements of the mind a lot more easily while you’re walking than while you’re sitting, because when you’re sitting, everything is supposed to be totally still. You don’t have to pay attention to anything else at all. ”

Today, practice 10 minutes of walking meditation. If you need guidance and an understandinng of where this can help, read this article “Walking Meditation: Stillness in Motion”. It is long and from the Buddhist tradition, so may use some words that are new to you, but it is throrugh on the practice. You want simple instructions instead? We oblige: find instructions here.


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